Welcome! We are a Christian family who cares for elderly individuals in our home. There are so many quotes, stories, and photos that we wanted to share with our precious "Golden Girls'" families, which they could view quicker and could be updated easier on this blog than we would ever have time (and memory!) to share with them personally. We also thought others might enjoy reading and viewing along with the families on this great adventure of their loved ones' golden sunset years. So sit back, relax, and enjoy your visit with us and "The Grandmas"!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Caroling

Yes, I remembered! Below are the photos from our annual Christmas caroling and the fun and fellowship we enjoyed post-freezing--I mean, post-singing.

We had a bunch of wonderful families over and everyone brought such wonderful hors d'oeuvres and desserts...not to mention beautiful voices and loads of laughter. Enjoy!

The grannies led the pack of carolers. Here they are, fearless in the face of the cold 

We had lots of little ones join us this year which made it all the more sweeter

"Christ the Savior is born!" Grandma D, Mom, Ms. Farida and Grandma Lorry

Two lovely mothers -- Mrs. Lis and Mrs. Imelda

Mr. H. and Mr. B. leading the baritone section of our choir

"Let every heart prepare him room!" Yes, I was cold, and no, Junebug wasn't sleeping.

I do wish we had been blessed with snow on the ground this year...sigh

"Joyful all ye nations rise, join the triumph of the skies!"

Mrs. Farida kindly took this for us girls

And here we are, back at the house...big smiles and red noses all!

We did it! Now it's time to thaw out with laughter and food

Sweet conversations of the evening...Vanessa and Mrs. Lis

Here's where all the action was going on... 

...smiling, laughing, talking, wonderful kids everywhere!

And some of the more mature members of the group here, solving the world's problems {not quite sure which ones, though}

And our sweet ladies, enjoying their finger-foods and hot cranberry tea

Our island was jam-packed with goodies...of which Mr. Brendan ponders his next move

Mr. David and Miss Johanna enjoying a candy cane together {they each had their own, of course}

And the lovely Miss Ariella...uh oh! Could she possibly be eating dessert before her main dish is finished??

And Vanessa is here, again talking nonstop with Mrs. Lis

Are you all going for seconds? I suppose the combination of cold and singing can cause an increased amount of hunger...

Johanna Banana looking very...festive

Sweet Mrs. Imelda and Ms. Farida enjoying a conversation as the little man, Mr. Gabriel to be exact, calls out for "Miss Kaitlin" to hold him...well, actually he just wanted the camera, but we can pretend

Don't you love the way everyone's heads are tilted in their own unique way?

Mr. Simon and his lovely mother Ms. Farida...remember them from two new year parties ago?

Preparing to say good-bye...which usually takes about half an hour, meaning that you have to say your farewells again after the first good-byes...at least that's what happens in our family...anyone else?

Miss Shawna taking on the boys in a game of hide, seek & wack -- I really don't know the name of their game, just understand they had a blast in the cold dark

Chef Gabriel would like to take your order...spilled cinnamon or dumped spaghetti?

Miss Elena, the chef's helpful assistant, smiles at the camera {it's her "new" smile, people}

"You see Miss Banessa, I've asked the boys not one, not two, but three times to stop running over Fluffy the cat with the stroller."

Love you, Elena and Vanessa!

And we end our wonderful evening with a hot cup of cocoa and smiles from two special people.

As I was looking back to last year's caroling I discovered that not a single caroler was posted about and I {your ever-{in}consistent reporter}, happened to skip right over that memorable evening! Therefore, with that confessed {you may throw tomatoes at me later}, I'll post some of last year's fellowship party below {although I'm afraid the camera-woman was MIA during the caroling} as well as a link to *two* years ago, the year it all started. {whew! glad that's off my chest!}

Christmas Caroling 2010

And click here to go back two years to Christmas Caroling 2009.
Well that's it, folks! Sorry for such a long post...hope you survived it!

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