Welcome! We are a Christian family who cares for elderly individuals in our home. There are so many quotes, stories, and photos that we wanted to share with our precious "Golden Girls'" families, which they could view quicker and could be updated easier on this blog than we would ever have time (and memory!) to share with them personally. We also thought others might enjoy reading and viewing along with the families on this great adventure of their loved ones' golden sunset years. So sit back, relax, and enjoy your visit with us and "The Grandmas"!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Our New Grandma

The Lord has blessed us yet again with a precious new grandma to love and care for!  Grandma "D" officially moved in August 21 and has been such a delight to our household.

A couch-full of beaming smiles!

The inseparable two-some :)
One of the most wonderful blessings we receive with having these grandmas living with us (besides their own very special and sweet selves), is adding their dear families to our own!

Grandma "D" with daughter, Ellen, and son-in-law, John

A lovely three-some

Mrs. Ellen, Grandma "D", & Andy (grandson)

Our exercising queens!
Puzzle time!
Enjoying time with Bella
Playing "dolly" with Johanna
Out on the swing
Singin' together
Just chillin'
Laundry helpers
Welcome to our home, Grandma "D"!  We are so thankful to the Lord for you and your family coming into our lives.  We pray you will feel welcomed and loved here as you become part of our family.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Our Grandparents...

During Dad's birthday week, Mom's parents dropped in on their way to MI.  We had a fun time with them, Grandma was such a huge help around the house, and Grandpa was, of course, a big tease, giving the grannies hours of laughter and stories.  Thanks, Grandpa and Grandma G. for visiting!  We love you!

Pappa's in the kitchen!!

Out to dinner

"Thank you, Gramma and Grampa for the lovely Russian dress!"

On our way to dinner...

Lovely Grandma...see Grandpa hangin' on for his life?? ...No, I'm not driving : )

Grandpa's are so much fun!

We love our Grandma!

xoxoxoxo Love you two!!xoxoxoxo

Monday, August 23, 2010

Belated Birthday News

July 29th, Dad turned the big *4*9*!!!  We usually give a birthday breakfast-in-bed, but he chose sleeping-in so we had a 10 o'clock brunch instead...omelets!!

It was really a birthday week...or two... : )  A lot was going on then, so we spread the birthday events out, went to Pappadeux (yes, it's his favorite!!)...

...to the rodeo (forgot the camera card in my pc!), and of course the annual 6-layer german sweet chocolate cake... the grand finale!

We love you soooo much, Dad!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Playing Catch-Up

Hello there friends!  Life has been keeping me occupied elsewhere than the blogosphere, so I apologize for the silence around here of late.  Allow me to play a little game of "Catch-Up" with you as I gradually gather together the many photos of the past few weeks and update you on what we've been up to!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Puzzles, Pups, 'n Pouts

Grandma June led our team of Puzzle-Puter-Togethers (our title is official...therefore must be capitalized) to victory in accomplishing two Precious Moments puzzles.

Bella was carrying this balloon around the house, swinging it back 'n forth and having a ball!

Grandma Ruth...with some of the most adorable puppy eyes imaginable!

There's that smile!

Sunday, August 15, 2010