Welcome! We are a Christian family who cares for elderly individuals in our home. There are so many quotes, stories, and photos that we wanted to share with our precious "Golden Girls'" families, which they could view quicker and could be updated easier on this blog than we would ever have time (and memory!) to share with them personally. We also thought others might enjoy reading and viewing along with the families on this great adventure of their loved ones' golden sunset years. So sit back, relax, and enjoy your visit with us and "The Grandmas"!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

March into Spring I

Johanna and Junebug spent a morning going through a senior magazine...

...but they didn't want their pictures taken ;)

Okay! We'll smile

Below is a video from that morning...

Later that afternoon, Evelyn (our neighbor-friend) came over for some fun

"Smile, girls!"

Learning about bugs and beetles by the fire is always a blast

Question time

Our little black furball must be a genius by now with all the education she's been around

Reading time with the blue-striped wee lass (yes! we have a new piano!)

Ms. Alice was on-call for Ms. Susie one week!

Ladies in blue

This is rag-a-muffin...our dog that rolls in the leaves and needs a bath but hates taking one

"Why can't I come in? Leaves are easy to vaccum up."

Johanna and Ms. Alice

The garden is getting off to a promising start this year!

We even bought a guard monkey to keep all the rodents away from the garden

"What's my job?"

Two peas in a pod

The official garden ladies for the year

On the 7th of this month I graduated from Thomas Edison State College! Here we are on that day eating a yummy pizza dinner to celebrate.

"Hi! We are related and (if you hadn't noticed before) we are very strange."

That evening Johanna took it upon herself to teach me some of her piano songs (poor dear)

Vanessa made a delectible White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake to celebrate

The cutting


Our parents are so cute

Here is a scanned copy of my grad announcements

Mrs. Patty, Mr. Charlie and their son Brian worked so hard on them and I am so, so pleased. Thank you!

It's swingin' time again

We love having Dad home on Spring Break

Mom and Johanna served up another tea party. 

Yummy Original Cheesecake (from Cheesecake Factory, not homemade ;)

The lovely ladies (minus Mom)

Mrs. Patty, Johanna and Ms. Alice

Johanna feels older when she's higher than everyone else

And yes, they used Vanessa and Johanna's sewing table for their fancy high tea ;)

Johanna (who was wearing the flower girl dress Vanessa wore when she was 9!), Mom and Ms. Susie

Jump-rope time! I guess no one ever told these two about waiting half an hour after eating before jumping around ;)

We have the coolest nurses :)

The mature/civilized grown-ups having technical conversations

Our first campfire of the season

Reading "Treasure Island" outside on a chilly, windy day is the best

Our bundled-up studious ones

Sneak-peek at Dad and Mom on a "date"  on the swing

Mrs. Ellen (remember Grandma "D"? This is one of her daughters) dropped in for a visit

Bella recognized her right away (she used to babysit Bella for us when we went out of town)

Playing with Naughty Dog (which was Grandma "D"'s)

Johanna seemed to have strep throat, so being quarantined required lots of games

Across the table conversations

"We are good friends, aren't we?"

Lovely flowers from our neighbors

Quiet afternoon with Grandma Margarete and Bella

Our lovely beautician and her Jenny

Grandma Lorry, our artist, faithfully coloring

Looking beautiful!

Johanna and I testing out the new hammock (which we returned btw)

Nap time

On the 17th I received my diploma in the mail!!

Yes, my hair was wind-blown but who cares because it's official!

Junebug enjoying the warmer weather...

...with Johanna!

Toss-the-ball time!

Vanessa finished her first crocheted baby blanket! Now it's time to make a throw for our bed ;)

On another adventure

Bella gets so worn out during our family worship times :)

Spring *must* be here

One afternoon Dad took us girls out on a picnic date, game of ultimate frisbee (ha! I don't know if we can legally even call it that ;) and a walk along a creek

Flower power

Johanna kept hoping to catch a butterfly, but all she got was dead grass

Vanessa babysat all eight of the B. kids by herself! You go, future momma.


Linda said...

K. Rose- your blog is so much fun and inspiring to follow. You are an incredible photographer and writer. Your entire family is a blessing from God to all of us and our mother's that you so tenderly care for. What a Godly example you set for all of us. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

K. Rose said...

Thank you for allowing us to care for your mom and bringing your family's joy and love into our home!!

Linda said...

Your family continues to be such a blessing to us.
We love you so much!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kaitlin on graduating from college!



K. Rose said...

Mrs. Linda ~ love you guys bunches...don't be a stranger around here! We miss all three of your smiling faces. :)

K. Rose said...

Thanks again, Mrs. Victoria! It's good to have that behind me. :)