Welcome! We are a Christian family who cares for elderly individuals in our home. There are so many quotes, stories, and photos that we wanted to share with our precious "Golden Girls'" families, which they could view quicker and could be updated easier on this blog than we would ever have time (and memory!) to share with them personally. We also thought others might enjoy reading and viewing along with the families on this great adventure of their loved ones' golden sunset years. So sit back, relax, and enjoy your visit with us and "The Grandmas"!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

January Mélange

January was a difficult month here, with the flu and stomach bug that just wouldn't go away. We praise God that the sickness didn't spread any further than Mom and Johanna, but it was all Vanessa and I could do to keep our home running smoothly with the #1 amazing caregiver (aka Mom) and #1 entertainer (aka Johanna) out of commission.

Our team played at the Rose Bowl this year (and won!!). Ironically Vanessa was wearing the colors of the opposing team.

Us girlies got a new (Craigslist) bedroom set. The perfect place to read to your three babies :)

And the perfect place to do school

We found Grandma Margarete sleeping on the (babysitting) job ;)

Dad and Mom took Johanna out to her favorite restaurant to talk about the responsibility God has given them as her parents to love, protect and provide for her. They asked that she give them her heart and then presented her with a beautiful ring to symbolize her promise.

She was so excited :)

"Give me your heart, my son,
And let your eyes delight in my ways."
Prov. 23:26

Mrs. Paula, one of the wonderful CNAs who has regularly visited our home, had a birthday and we enjoyed celebrating with her.

Every other week Vanessa gets to hang out with this cutie and her three siblings

Atalie Joy (one of our doula babies) is such a precious little one

January was the Month of Sick. Johanna and Mom both got the flu and then Johanna got the stomach bug a few days later. We thank God for our Young Living essential oils! Their sickness didn't last quite as long as we heard others had.

Our sickipoo

A game of Trouble with your sister can healthify even the sickest of little girls

Mr. Fred is always so full of life and Margarete sure does enjoy his visits!

Lovely Lorry and the Furball

The manikin Margarete received for her birthday has been such a great gift! She named her Jenny and loves fixing up her hair

Johanna was getting stir-crazy being stuck in her room

Johanna and Junebug were having a girl talk by candlelight

When Johanna finally got better, she and I went to the zoo for a much-belated celebration of her completion of 1st grade math (yes, that was a long time ago!)

Playing in the rock river

The elephants were so calm, you would have thought they were statues or something

Did you know that goats have their own dalmatian breed just like dogs?

"I'm Zoe the Zookeeper and I'd like to give you a tour of our zoo!"

 Thank you for a wonderful sister date, Johanna!

From Bella to anyone having a difficult day: "Hang in there"


Anonymous said...

We had the flu bug go through our house over the holidays, and were so glad to see the last of it. Glad everyone is better at your house and you got to go the zoo too!



K. Rose said...

Thank you! We're so thankful Spring is practically here and flu-season is over.