Welcome! We are a Christian family who cares for elderly individuals in our home. There are so many quotes, stories, and photos that we wanted to share with our precious "Golden Girls'" families, which they could view quicker and could be updated easier on this blog than we would ever have time (and memory!) to share with them personally. We also thought others might enjoy reading and viewing along with the families on this great adventure of their loved ones' golden sunset years. So sit back, relax, and enjoy your visit with us and "The Grandmas"!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

From Mother's Day

Hi there, folks!  Things have been quiet around here for some time {sigh, I know}, but that can only mean that a whole lot of pictures have piled up and are being readied to view!  This post is on our lovely Mother's Day{s} which - of course - I'm terribly late on.  We set our living room up pretty much the same as in '09, but I only have one picture to share from that day:

a pretty cute one, I might add ☺

And last year's Mother's Day we did the long-double-table thing.  Click here to see photos from that day.

As a family, we took Mom out to a beautiful outdoor shopping park and had a yummilicious dinner at Brio's.  We are so thankful to our mothers for all they are, all they do, and all they mean to us!

Enjoy the photos!

Getting ready!

Using our great-grandma's china is always so fun

Mrs. Kathi brought her beautiful self

Sky blue was the "in" color {not baby blue, sky☺}

Mr. John and Mrs. Ellen brought their smiles

Mr. Vic and Mrs. Linda brought their laughter

Lovely Niece & Auntie

Junebug was looking very motherly

Lorry in her new dress

"You haven't told Vic what I said about him those many years ago, now have you?"

Mother/Daughter sweetness

"Do they really expect us to drink with these napkins in our glasses?"

"Well, I guess its not the first odd thing we've encountered here."

Let the feasting begin!

Mother/Daughter conversations

After dinner talks...

...and laughs.

Smiles, beautiful, happy smiles

"Ellen, if she takes another picture..."

The lovely bouquet from Mr. Tim and Mrs. Robbi

The Chocolate Cheesecake
{recipe courtesy: Nigella

The Original Cheesecake
{recipe courtesy:

The White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake
{recipe courtesy:

The White Chocolate Raspberry with white chocolate curls

The cheesecake girl


"Hurry and take the picture before I drop this slice!"

Mother's Day breakfast

Omelets in a bag {thanks, Tommy!}

Ride on, cowgirl!

The lovely couple

Mom drove down to spend the day with her mother

The lovely bouquet from Mr. Mike and Mrs. Barb

Thank you to all the families {near and far alike} who have made this year's Mother's Day so memorable and dear to your loved ones.  What treasures you are to them {and us ♥}!

Her children rise up and bless her
{Psalm 31:28a}


Linda said...

K. Rose - loved your photos and words (as always). Thank you for so faithfully taking such wonderful photos for the precious memories your family is creating for all of us. You are as angels to all of us without a doubt!
34 "for where your treasure is,there your heart will be also"
LUKE 12:34

K. Rose said...

Mrs. Linda ~ you are such an encourager! You all are true treasures and blessings to us.

p.s.~ welcome back to land! ☺