Welcome! We are a Christian family who cares for elderly individuals in our home. There are so many quotes, stories, and photos that we wanted to share with our precious "Golden Girls'" families, which they could view quicker and could be updated easier on this blog than we would ever have time (and memory!) to share with them personally. We also thought others might enjoy reading and viewing along with the families on this great adventure of their loved ones' golden sunset years. So sit back, relax, and enjoy your visit with us and "The Grandmas"!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

From May

Mother's Day 2010

This year we celebrated Mother's Day on the 16th as it was the most convenient day for us all, which is also why this post is so late. =)  We had a lovely day celebrating our moms and thanking them for bearing and rearing us.  Motherhood is incredibly challenging, and yet one of the most rewarding jobs on earth.  Wouldn't you agree??


Memorial Day 2010

First of all we'd like to thank all of the brave people who have served and are yet serving in the armed forces of these United States of America.  We remember our veterans and those presently serving, and honor those who have died to keep us free. 

We had a wonderful day, relaxing, eating and swimming it up!  Dad has been such a fabulous help in the kitchen (actually helped make apple crisp!) and bbqued delicious spare ribs and chicken.  The ladies enjoyed the hot outdoors and were kept amused by the family as we enjoyed the blow-up pool and slide. BTW: Dad put together that great contraption...:)  Hope everyone else had a *memorable* Memorial Day!


Faithful Daughters Appreciation Day 2010

Last Thursday night, after family worship time, Dad brought out a pile of papers and announced that he had officially made May 28th and 29th as FDA Day (decrypted above).  As we read through the pages, we realized they had booked us three girlies for a night at the Renaissance....a four star hotel in the area (thanks to a great deal from priceline)!  They also explained that Friday we would get the whole day (after noon and on) and we didn't have to come back until 6p the next evening!  And another thing: we could use the credit card on anything we thought we might like to purchase!  So off we went to Olive Garden, then Mani Pedis, and then we went to the hotel....amazing!  After getting situated to our accommodations (ie. turning the thermostat down to 62!) we freshened up before heading out to an outdoor shopping mall and dessert at Cheesecake Factory!  When we got back, we jumped in the pool, and then ran up and ordered the most delicious pizza (besides the fact that I dumped red pepper flakes all over the thing...whoops) and watched a movie.  Johanna was simply stunned at the size of our bed (King) with all the pillows we wanted!  The next morning we ordered breakfast in bed...soooo good, and rushed to get out by noon. =) As it was scorching hot outside we figured we'd spend the next amount of time at the mall, grabbing Marble Slab ice cream as we went.  By then my calves were in excruciating pain (am I serious?  have I ever exaggerated in my whole entire life?) so we stopped by the massage place to ask if they did just calves and feet....they didn't.  After being turned down, we decided to drive around some of the beautiful neighborhoods and "ooh! and ahh!" over the homes.  We were home at 6p and were met with Mr. Cutsie (add French/White Boy accent here) who led us to a fancy pink table and welcomed us to "Momma and Pappa's Pretty Good Restaurante".  The evening consisted of a four course meal and included a fun variety of live entertainment (that is, Dad and Mom as waiter and waitress...both attempting voices of mixed nationalities).  We had garden fresh salad, creamy new England clam chowder, cheesy garlic biscuits, shrimp cocktail (the shrimp were so big it took 3-4 bites for each one, the biggest and juiciest we've ever had), and the grand finale of steak, mushroom and shrimp shish kabobs!  By the by, Mom took care of all the housework, cooking, and care of the ladies while we were gone and Dad (ie Mr. Cutsie) purchased, cooked, sliced, diced, sweat over, and served all the food....well, all that is excepting the soup and biscuits, of course.  They then sent us out to dessert and we came back about 9 to tell all about our adventure.  Thank you soooo much, Mom and Dad!  You both sacrificed so much for us girls in order to let us get out and be pampered.  We always feel loved and blessed by you, but on FDA Day we felt extra appreciated and will remember it forever!...you did say this was an annual holiday now, didn't you??  =)



Linda said...

As usual - GREAT shots of everyone! So glad that Ruth got her neck brace off!!! (Love the phone pics of mom & little bit!)
Love you guys!

Linda said...

K.Rose - this is precious and so very special! You are all certainly so very blessed with such special parents and the special thing about them is that they realize what a true blessing to them that you all are. Absoutley precious. Thoroughly enjoyed your tale of the whole adventure. Thanks for taking the time to write it down and take the pictures - you will remember this for your whole lives.

Kimberly Anne said...

Oh Kaitlin,

Thank you SO much for the pictures! I haven't stopped smiling yet! I have to say I really enjoy the pictures from your day out the most! It is always a pleasure to see the love your family has for each other and the grandma's! I continue to think and pray for you all often! May the Lord continue to bless your family with unity in all things! I love you all! (Wow I think this is my longest comment ever!) =)


Kimberly Anne

K. Rose said...

Mrs. Linda ~ We are so excited about Grandma Ruth's neck healing as well! Our girls' day out was *way* special...wasn't able to describe even close to what a wonderful time we had and just how grateful we are to our sweet parents! So glad you enjoyed the pics...I'm glad I remembered to take them! ha!

Kimberly Anne ~ We *so* love long comments....bring 'em on! lol! Thank you dearly for your thoughts and prayers on our behalf. We are so blessed to have such devoted and godly parents and I'm personally grateful for my cherished sisters to share our days and lives with as well! And, of course, for great friends who keep in touch, even from miles and miles away =)...So, when are you coming to visit again??? =)

Blessings and many thanks to you guys ~

Kaitlin for the Familia

Believe in Miracles said...

I am so happy that you got to get a little R and R. What wonderful parents you have.
I cannot tell you how much I am so blessed that the Lord had led me to such a wonderful to care for Aunt Lorraine.
You had brought back the smile on her face again. She is my second mom and I love her with all my heart.
Thank you for taking such good care of her.

What a awesome Father we have that he had led me to you all.

Yours in Christ,