Welcome! We are a Christian family who cares for elderly individuals in our home. There are so many quotes, stories, and photos that we wanted to share with our precious "Golden Girls'" families, which they could view quicker and could be updated easier on this blog than we would ever have time (and memory!) to share with them personally. We also thought others might enjoy reading and viewing along with the families on this great adventure of their loved ones' golden sunset years. So sit back, relax, and enjoy your visit with us and "The Grandmas"!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy New Year 2010 ~ From Our Home to Yours

Dad is now officially home from Oklahoma.  For a grueling eight month long period, he worked there Mon. - Fri.  Since he's been home, he has worked on a project he and Kaitlin have been looking forward to for some time - her hope chest! There are still a few finishing touches left (staining, varnishing, etc.). Dad has always been our family optimist, however this year it seemed to bring it out ever more as we needed it more; giving encouragement and a joyful perspective to every situation. He is truly our leader and hero; seeming to do the impossible by way of faithfully and willingly trusting the Lord in all he does.

Mom has been such a wonderful mentor and example for us girls. As Titus 2 teaches us to learn from the older women, so have we been blessed with an amazing mother who is constantly setting aside time from her busy schedule to give us that extra love and support. She has taken such a huge load on herself, that of mom, RN, caregiver, and friend. What a joy it is to have a mom who is diligent to serve the Lord in all things.

Kaitlin graduated from home school earlier this year and is now a sophomore in college via CLEP through CollegePlus.  This past year has been a real breakthrough for her as she took on the entire management of the home (as some may know, Kaitlin enjoys learning, reading, and writing, but has greatly struggled with enjoying the cleaning and cooking part of domestic homemaking :D).  She just adores her "Grandmas" and will do whatever it takes to put a smile on their face.

Vanessa is now a sophomore in high school, diligently working, keeping up with her ever-present studies.  She's our bubbly social bug, comical speaker, and loving hugger.  Being the socialite that she is, Vanessa greatly enjoys keeping house and visiting with all our guests.  This past year she has been focusing more on school and Kaitlin, on housework (of which each prefers the other's task :D).  Her care for the Grandmas is exceptional and her joyful spirit - infectious!

Johanna is no longer "little" (she insists), as she turned 3 this past Fall.  What do her days consist of, you might ask?  Let's see...playing farmville with Grandma Jan, spending quality cuddle time with Grandma Helen, playing catch with Grandma June, assisting Dad in the garage, trailing Mom through all her errands, being silly with Kaitlin, learning with Vanessa, and ultimately living a very full and eventful life!  We just love our sweet Johanna to death and cannot imagine life without her bright, cheerful self!



Dearest Family & Friends ~

Where, oh where shall we begin?  What a year this has been for us; a lot of change, many new friends, a year of blessing beyond belief!

Helen Laverne came to be with us in the Fall of '08, bringing life, love, and laughter to our home.  With her came her wonderful family and friends.  It has been such an honor to know her and her family.


June Elaine came with her husband David Bruce (gone to be with the Lord last Christmas) a day after Helen.  What a blessing she has been to our family!  The joy of her spirit, tenderness of her heart, and loyalty to her friends have added much to our life.


Our Grandma Jan moved in to our ever-growing household last December.  With her came grandmotherly knowledge, comical moments, and a loving heart.  It has been such a delight to have one of our own grandmas residing with us.
