Welcome! We are a Christian family who cares for elderly individuals in our home. There are so many quotes, stories, and photos that we wanted to share with our precious "Golden Girls'" families, which they could view quicker and could be updated easier on this blog than we would ever have time (and memory!) to share with them personally. We also thought others might enjoy reading and viewing along with the families on this great adventure of their loved ones' golden sunset years. So sit back, relax, and enjoy your visit with us and "The Grandmas"!

Friday, February 7, 2014

December Days {part ii}

Lots has happened here in December, from piano recitals to friends visiting to learning new skills. Whoever first coined the adage, "A picture is worth a thousand words", seemed to have viewed life much as we do. And pictures aren't only for the perfectly posed, momentous events of life... which is why we try to catch even the simplest of memories on camera.

Hugs with Grandma Margarete

Johanna and the Grandmas came up with a new game...

...blow the spool of thread across the table!

Fun times together

Another dentist visit

Johanna now has a new friend in Mr. Rodger

Cool shades, girl

Looks like another fish-fry is in the works

The Butcher

He's not all that bad ;)

The spool game with Grandma Lorry

Lovely ladies

Bella's puzzled... "I have yet to master the alphabet and they're giving me a word search?!"

We attended a Young Living essential oils seminar

It was so enlightening and we're always encouraged by the natural remedies God has given us in oils

Looks like Bella is practicing blanket training again :)

Ms. Jean and Ms. Cynthia are so faithful to come by for visits with Grandma Lorry

My beautiful little kitchen helper

Who says brown polka dots and black stripes can't be worn together??

Johanna concluded another wonderful year of piano lessons with a concert

The 21st Century Beethoven?

It's hair salon day!

Sister love at the park

It looks to me like Johanna and Grandma Lorry are duking it out with a game of spoons

When the term "puppy eyes" is used this is what I think of :)

Are we the only ones that have just tried William-Sonoma's Gingerbread mix for the first time?!

We must not have been living

I remember my "early vacuuming days"...I would go around the living room in circles instead of making straight lines...

...Johanna is not going to have to unlearn this vital skill like I did :)

Crotcheting during budget meetings...

...we don't like budget meetings :)

Bless the Lord, O my soul! 
O Lord my God, you are very great;
you are clothed with splendor and majesty,
covering yourself with light as with a cloak,
stretching out heaven like a tent curtain.
He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters;
He makes the clouds His chariot;
He walks upon the wings of the wind;
He makes the winds His messengers,
flaming fire His ministers.
He established the earth upon its foundations,
so that it will not totter forever and ever.
{Psalm 104:1-5}

part iii coming soon...


Linda said...

Love the pictures and the captions!
My favorite one is "we don't like budget meetings.
Love you guys!!

K. Rose said...

Thanks, glad you enjoyed :)