Welcome! We are a Christian family who cares for elderly individuals in our home. There are so many quotes, stories, and photos that we wanted to share with our precious "Golden Girls'" families, which they could view quicker and could be updated easier on this blog than we would ever have time (and memory!) to share with them personally. We also thought others might enjoy reading and viewing along with the families on this great adventure of their loved ones' golden sunset years. So sit back, relax, and enjoy your visit with us and "The Grandmas"!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Look Out!

It's official, folks: Vanessa has her driver's permit!  Thought I'd give you a head's up so you can keep on the look-out while you're on the road from now on. *grin*  No, no, she's a safe driver {at least from what we've seen in the parking lot} and we're all looking forward to having another "errand runner" around.

This was taken the day before she passed her permit exam.  When they went the first time, it was so packed some people had been in line for over four hours!  Needless to say, waiting another day didn't seem so bad. ☺

The peanut gallery/backseat driver

The big day!

We went out to dinner to celebrate {Saltgrass Steak House, anyone?}


....So in love....

...The desires of the diligent are fully satisfied... {Proverbs 13:4}


Kimberly Anne said...

WooHoo! Congratulations Vanessa! I am proud of you. Can you smile a little bit bigger?! Love you!

Linda said...

Congrats, Miss Vanessa!!! We know you will be a wonderful driver and such a big help for your family! Great pictures!!

Angel said...

Hey guys! It is me Angel, can you believe that this is the first time I am looking at your blog....better late than never I guess! It is really great and I will be keeping an eye on it more often now that I have found it and bookmarked it. We love you all. Congratulations Vanessa on your permit....may the Lord protect us all....just kidding!!! Ha,ha,ha,ha,!!!!

Love, the you know whos! :o)

K. Rose said...

Hey there, Mrs. Angel and the "you know whos" :)! Glad you found us on the web...now you can see parts into our "grandma lives"!

Vanessa's excited about her permit {we all are} and actually drove on the road the other day {afterwards realizing she probably wasn't supposed to!}.

Anyhow, hope the "you know whos" {ha!ha! I love that!} are doing well...give your little guys hugs and smooches for me!


Kaitlin for the {you know who ;)}familia

K. Rose said...

Now let's not get our expectations up too soon, Mrs. Linda...ha! Just joking. Vanessa does seem to daydream while riding in the car...we're hoping that doesn't transfer over with her driving...hmmm. :)

Love ya,


K. Rose said...

She is soooo excited, Miss Kimberly Anne Marie Sue... ;)
