Welcome! We are a Christian family who cares for elderly individuals in our home. There are so many quotes, stories, and photos that we wanted to share with our precious "Golden Girls'" families, which they could view quicker and could be updated easier on this blog than we would ever have time (and memory!) to share with them personally. We also thought others might enjoy reading and viewing along with the families on this great adventure of their loved ones' golden sunset years. So sit back, relax, and enjoy your visit with us and "The Grandmas"!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

San Antonio!

In mid-July we took a rather spontaneous trip down to San Antonio for a little getaway and food conference. We went with Mrs. B and little Michael in their great white van and had ourselves a nice road trip!

Pulling ourselves together after a long drive.

Happy to finally be in the open air!

Ready to hit the River Walk!

On our way!

Asking directions :D

Mister Grumpy Gills :D

Finally made it through the mall! Headed down the elevator.

Dinner on the River Walk (it was too warm to eat outside)

Wow! That was some flash!

By the glazed look on their faces, you can tell it's nap time.


Then, it started raining!!

At the Alamo

Remember the Alamo!

The enemy fled in terror when they saw our massive army

After the River Walk and Alamo, we settled in at a new friends' house for the week

Curlers + Wordsearch = Happy Smiles

The next day us ladies attended the "Turn of the Century" Ladies Tea



Discussions (the lady on the right is Mrs. G, our hostess)

Mr. Phillips


Oops, my fingers are stuck!

Tea time!

Mrs. Duggar came by to visit

Happy smiles!

The Duggar girls sharing funny memories of hospitality

Enjoying time with Jinger, Jessa and Jana (had no idea Jana was a doula too - what fun!)

Mrs. B getting to visit with Mrs. Duggar

At the conference

Slobbery smiles

He was giving me his opinion of the last workshop


Junebug loved meeting so many sweet people!

Howdy, pardner

Can't get enough of this adorable little guy

Lunch time!

Johanna and Jochabed

Mrs. B, Abigail, and Mrs. G


Johanna can't help but meet new friends (especially when they're cute babies).

(Photo disclaimer: Phone pictures...proceed with imagination)
We took the G family out to dinner on the River Walk the night before we headed back home

On our way home!

The Peanut Gallery (and no, we're not sunburned :D)

The mobile hair salon

Lovely farmlands

Beautiful Texas sunset

See us in the picture? We're inside that big marshmallow.

(Scroll down and pause the background music before playing)

Oh dear! This was taken with my phone (and I haven't edited any of the pictures). Isn't it breathtaking??

Night driving

Home sweet home!

We learned so much from this conference and are already eating so much healthier! We also bought the mp3s of all the workshops so we can refresh ourselves on all this wonderful information.
Hope you all have a lovely day!


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing these great photos. What a blessing that you were able to take your elderly friends along too.
Enjoying your precious blog.


K. Rose said...

Thank you, Victoria! Glad you're enjoying them.