Welcome! We are a Christian family who cares for elderly individuals in our home. There are so many quotes, stories, and photos that we wanted to share with our precious "Golden Girls'" families, which they could view quicker and could be updated easier on this blog than we would ever have time (and memory!) to share with them personally. We also thought others might enjoy reading and viewing along with the families on this great adventure of their loved ones' golden sunset years. So sit back, relax, and enjoy your visit with us and "The Grandmas"!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Much Ado at the Zoo

Well folks, here we are again! I am exactly one month and two days late in writing this post -- dear me! Junebug celebrated her 86th birthday with her wonderful daughter, Linda and son-in-love, Vic (along with the rest of us!) by having an all day party at the zoo! I had so many pictures to go through (and pick from) that I really got overwhelmed just thinking about writing this post up. But, like someone great once said: If you don't begin you'll never end (quite profound, huh?). So here it is!

Welcome to the Zoo!

We have our sunglasses...

We have our flower hats...

And we're ready to roll!

Do you see it?

See what?

The cute monkey!

Johanna poses with one of our closest ancestors.

We're off to see the...

Crazy Parakeets!

"Crazy" as in: absolutely not shy

Who wouldn't want a colorful fowl pecking at (and dropping on) their head?

Don't put your fingers too close, or their bound to be food for the fowl!

These guys loved Grandma "D", climbing all over her hat!

Hurry up, little parakeet! There's a line forming behind you!

One very important rule to run your life by 
(when you're visiting a crazy parakeet cage):
Don't make your hair look like a comfortable, curly nest!

Or else you'll turn into a mobile tree with a once curly nest 
in its branches turned into a frizzy pom-pom. Yeah, that would be me.

Junebug: "Guys, I don't like the way he's lookin' at me...

It was almost like an expensive head massage, wouldn't you say, Mom?

Junebug liked to keep her distance and let Linda do the negotiating

Here we are again at Tree Top Mobile!

What a fun place it was!

See how she's holding her cup? That's the 
"I'm-scared-but-I-want-to-touch-them-so-badly!" hold

What beautiful creatures God has created for us to enjoy!

Well, we survived the Crazy Parakeets, 
what trouble can we get ourselves into next?

We were blessed with a perfect day. Cloudy? Yes. 
But that's exactly what we needed to cover the sun's heat.

Mr. Cockatoo at your service

Kanga and Roo

The matching Bluebells!

Lady Lorry graciously waves at her fans

Shere Khan prowls about in his quest for Mowgli (poor kid)

The story shared here, has sadly escaped my mid-term memory 
(and please don't ask what that is...
I'm working on writing up my own medical book dictionary as well)

We thought we'd have Johanna test the glass barrier 
out before the rest of us leaned on it

King of the Jungle
(by the way, why are Lions considered king of the jungle?
First off they don't live in the jungle, and secondly a tiger wins
a confrontation 70% of the time)

The Charge of the Wheelchair Brigade!

An anteater? Really? Like, he eats ants so he's fit to exhibit at the zoo?

A change of direction

Tortoise power!

Downhill art

Halfway through we stopped for a snack

Look! Look! They exhibit ladybugs here too! I knew I liked this zoo.

Is it really legal to cage our nation's bird?

Beautiful, laid-back Grandma "D"

Lovely, spunky Grandma June

Johanna had her work cut out for her

Sweet smiles from the wind-blown crew

Portraits by the iron elephants

Lovely Lorry

Darling "D"

Jolly June

Mother-daughter sweetness

Off next to the penguin aquarium!

And the colorful Mandrills

Ride on cow(elephant)girl!

Enjoying the rainforest

Hoping one of these doesn't snap at our toes

Such a relaxing atmosphere!

Cheetah corner!

Hey Johanna!


Giraffe feeding-time

Watch your tootsies!

Are we lost? No, just resting.

Working our way back through the dense jungle to civilization

Oh boy! A brand new, exciting exhibit!


Back at the house we ate a lupper 
(please don't tell me we're the only family that calls it that?)

Smiles all around

Discussing the journey past


So long as we have some good grub to come home to

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what you call pig-pickin' cake

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday, dear Junebug!

Happy Birthday to you!

And it was sooo good!

I mean, finger-lickin' good

Aerial view (well, sort of)


Present time!

What a beautiful watch! (she loves the other gifts too *wink*)

What an all-out fun day! Happy Belated Birthday, Junebug! 

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