Welcome! We are a Christian family who cares for elderly individuals in our home. There are so many quotes, stories, and photos that we wanted to share with our precious "Golden Girls'" families, which they could view quicker and could be updated easier on this blog than we would ever have time (and memory!) to share with them personally. We also thought others might enjoy reading and viewing along with the families on this great adventure of their loved ones' golden sunset years. So sit back, relax, and enjoy your visit with us and "The Grandmas"!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fun with Friends

Another fun day with the S. family calls for pictures galore! So here they are in no particular order (because, well, is there really any "order" when our families get together? I've heard it described as something like "organized chaos").

The munchkin-man, guberly-gerber-baby

Call him what you like, but Jonathan is one photogenic little man!

And then there's Miss Ellie-Bellie and Johanna-Banana,
two princesses (that is, Hawaiian princesses)

Mr. Smiley and the fish bib brigade (do try to ignore the pink lining)

After dinner discussions...

...expressions are everything and in this home they abound

Miss Curly-Q and her adorable smiles

Three very different personalities...three very happy kiddos

Josiah, Mr. Contemplative -- 
considering a big bowl of salad vs. a Dr. Pepper

In this house, pizza makes the world go round

Deep discussions -- if I have four fingers 
and take a thumb away, how many fingers do I have left?

Grandma Lorry enjoying watching all the commotion
that children bring into the house 

Moi, chef extraordinaire (actually I just picked the pizza up :D) 

The mothers solving the world's problems

Outdoor adventures

Cuter than a button (is he really comparable to a button??)
Sorry about the pink blanket, little man...girls dominate around here.

Going over school plans -- 
My Father's World!

The men (and grannies) discussing theology (or was that eschatology?)
How many DPs was that Mr. S.?

That little boy sure knows how to steal our hearts!
(Oh! And Vanessa's graduating, folks! 
Grad pics coming soon when I get around to posting them :D

Storming the tower!

Uh, Kaitlin...the fun stuff is outside and we're inside, see a problem?

The Books

Campfire fun!

Relaxing by the fire

While the guys continue their conversation

The prairie girl!

Mr. Cowboy keeping his distance from others 
while he eats his ice cream

The Great Escapade

We all start to wind down, especially Ellie over there

What a fun evening, S. family! 
So glad we get to fellowship with you guys so often!

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