Welcome! We are a Christian family who cares for elderly individuals in our home. There are so many quotes, stories, and photos that we wanted to share with our precious "Golden Girls'" families, which they could view quicker and could be updated easier on this blog than we would ever have time (and memory!) to share with them personally. We also thought others might enjoy reading and viewing along with the families on this great adventure of their loved ones' golden sunset years. So sit back, relax, and enjoy your visit with us and "The Grandmas"!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Some Forgotten Photos...

I was recently browsing through our pictures from the Arboretum and realized that I had completely forgotten to put in our scenic photos!!  The fun tale of our escapade and rapturous interest in how sweet our little ladies looked in these quite unprofessional pictures quite stole my interest away from these "scenic only" photos.  So, here are some lovely images of our great Lord's creation!

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