Welcome! We are a Christian family who cares for elderly individuals in our home. There are so many quotes, stories, and photos that we wanted to share with our precious "Golden Girls'" families, which they could view quicker and could be updated easier on this blog than we would ever have time (and memory!) to share with them personally. We also thought others might enjoy reading and viewing along with the families on this great adventure of their loved ones' golden sunset years. So sit back, relax, and enjoy your visit with us and "The Grandmas"!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Case of the Missing Laundry Basket

The Case of the Missing Laundry Basket
Based on a True Story :)

She walks tremulously, her breathing coming in short, anxious gasps.  The door is pushed back...the sound, oh! the sound is unmistakeably dreadful, and the smell!  quite obvious in it's scent.  Her hand slowly, hesitantly makes its way to the switch.  She senses the thundering beat of her heart, terrified, yes, all the more terrified because of her awareness, her utter repulsion of just what scene she will find...

Yes....It's Laundry Day!!!  AAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!

She looks to her left, then cautiously to her right, desperately searching; high, then low...O where, O where has the laundry basket gone??  The search is on, a great and terrible search.  One which will be the determining factor on whether the clothes will be wrinkly...or...not....

Stealthily she makes her way into the first place of suspicion...
                                                       ...to find naught but The Scholar studiously tackling her work.

On she goes, ever watchful, always anticipating; the search for the laundry basket is resumed...
                                  ...the living area holds here not our character's basket - life line of wrinkle-free clothing - but none other than The Exerciser!  Dutifully, skillfully, does she stretch out her muscles.

Back into the previous room of suspicion, being sure to cover all bases, she discovers...
  ...The Lipstick Lover artfully plastering yet another glob of shine onto her invisible little lips.
The anxiety and suspense of this treacherous situation has taken it's tole on our desperate detective.  Sweat pours down her face; pale, trembling, she sets off to the next destination...
                                            ...The Napper!  However, finding naught but pretty curlers in our suspect's hair, the sighing, yet determined detective moved on her way, intensely scrutinizing every nook and cranny, never wavering, never doubting; hoping, believing, to find the one lost treasure she most desires for accurately accomplishing the duty of laundry -- the basket.

Suddenly, out of the blue, a light bulb flickered on.  The one way of finding something, a way which had always worked before, always helped her find those objects always lost...prayer!!  Closing her eyes, the launderer offered up to her Heavenly Father a quick, yet sincere prayer of help to find her laundry basket.  Opening those eyes again, a new look, a new picture was seen on her determined detective face.  No longer was she panicked, no longer bathed in nervous sweat.  A look of serenity, peace, and entire trust stole across her face.  Now she was ready.  Now she was not desperately searching with her own simple wit; she carried with her the eyes, the mind of Christ.  He could help, He would help; and she knew it.

As she stepped into the next room, a quick glance confirmed her suspicions -- not there.

And yet, no trembling was made, not a groan was uttered from her resolute lips.  On she went, each step taken in sureness, faithfulness.  A turn in the room, the light flashed on.  And there, beneath piles of folded clothing, sitting quietly, patiently, was her laundry basket.  Lost treasure...
                                             ...Found!  Praise the Lord!!

1 comment:

The Millers said...

wow, you all must keep busy! it's pretty amazing how you have opened this kind of business in your home. I'm sure it takes a lot of patience and hard work! :)

love all the pictures! :)