Welcome! We are a Christian family who cares for elderly individuals in our home. There are so many quotes, stories, and photos that we wanted to share with our precious "Golden Girls'" families, which they could view quicker and could be updated easier on this blog than we would ever have time (and memory!) to share with them personally. We also thought others might enjoy reading and viewing along with the families on this great adventure of their loved ones' golden sunset years. So sit back, relax, and enjoy your visit with us and "The Grandmas"!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Goodbye to July

Hello again, friends! This is going to be a long and picture-covered post...hope you don't mind! When I was finished putting this post together I scrolled through and realized that this could be like four or five separate blog posts! But instead of deleting all the pictures and starting over, I thought you all might enjoy one loooong photo collage of our multifarious days of July. (cool word...simple meaning :)

How many kids can a sofa hold??

Ergo love with not so little Sammy

Nurse Nancy taught Johanna how to play the harmonica and gave her her own kit!

Fun times

Out to a special, surprise, birthday lunch with our friends

Kate and Vanessa- beautiful, godly young ladies

Three more special friends, Christa, Johanna and Ellie ;)

Mrs. Holly and I, always having fun together!

Mrs. Patty brought her sister-in-law over to visit with Grandma Margarete

A lovely portrait (minus the dog in the background)

Nail salon day with Johanna and Margarete

Grandma Glenys' great-granddaughters came by for a visit

July 4th was a beautiful, sun-filled, food 'n fellowship-packed day

Tea party time!

LOVE the hats, ladies :)


Every moment with loved ones is worth capturing

The ladies

Trying on Mrs. Sherry's amazing hat

Grandma Glenys and Mrs. Sherry

Ms. Debye and Grandma Glenys

Grandma Glenys and Ms. Shirley

Us girls spent a couple days out on the farm with our friends, the M.s!

Can you say goats anyone?

Dinner time

Always fun spending time with my Jorgie Porgie

Friends for life

The clean-up crew

We packed a lunch for a picnic by the pond

Just us (and the goats)

Target practice


Back on the homefront, Grandma Glenys says, "Hello!"

It's time for a mini tea party with our friend, Nurse Nancy

Pinkies up!

It's a close game of checkers

I'm guessing Johanna was losing

Vanessa was blessed to help out a sweet family every week and got to spend time with these cuties

Why is this screen-shot worth posting? Because it was the middle of JULY when it was taken, folks. Crazy

Off to church!

Grandma Margarete says "Howdy!" after the service

Grandma Lorry looking loverly

Grandma Glenys smiles through the whole service

It was so nice to have Mrs. Robbi over for lunch

It had been waaaay too long!

Another awesome family that Vanessa babysat for over the past year

Silly faces!

Doula babies are the squishiest.cutest.most adorable. 

3D glasses are sooo stylish

Cuddle time with Mrs. Patty is the.best.

Ok, giggle time is fun too


"I love you, a bushel and a peck"

Happy smiles from Lorry

We had a fantastic dinner with Mr. Glen and his family 

Happy times

Chutes and ladders 

School with Grandma Margarete (sleepin' on the job?)

Special outing with Johanna

Vanessa and I are taking Krav Maga and absolutely LOVE it

Kisses at the pool

Happy birthday, Dad and Mr. Simon

Mrs. Angela always has great parties

The poor guys just want to dig in, but we're constantly taking pictures

Johanna was beyond thrilled to get to babysit for the first time

Mall day with the Grannies

Smile! You're on candid camera


I love you to the moon and back

Let's eat

It was nice to spend time with Ms. Shirley...

...and Mrs. Sherry...

...and Mrs. Patty!


Ta-ta for now!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Lovely, lovely pictures of a lovely, lovely family!
God bless you all for all you do!
Mrs. M