Welcome! We are a Christian family who cares for elderly individuals in our home. There are so many quotes, stories, and photos that we wanted to share with our precious "Golden Girls'" families, which they could view quicker and could be updated easier on this blog than we would ever have time (and memory!) to share with them personally. We also thought others might enjoy reading and viewing along with the families on this great adventure of their loved ones' golden sunset years. So sit back, relax, and enjoy your visit with us and "The Grandmas"!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

amare la vita (loving life)

Hi everyone! We have had a lovely summer over here, what with the crazily-wonderful rainy weather and of course the sweet new friends that have entered into our lives. I'm afraid to say that I have once again become a woefully neglective chronological agent for this blog, but I hope the long pictorial collage below will suffice for the bleak emptiness of the past weeks of silence here ;).

Oh, and happy first day of FALL!!!

We have had some wonderful visits with the sweet M.'s!

And lots of laughter to boot!

Our vitex tree has been blooming beautifully and the bumble-bees have found their jackpot

Grandma Lorry has been Johanna's official babysitter

Junebug has been bright and chipper as ever!

Grandma Sugar and Johanna have spent some wonderful time together (playing dolls in this case :)

We were able attend three more wonderful births as doulas!

Enjoying cooler weather

Bella the Bean!

We've had some wonderful visits with Mrs. Patty (Grandma Sugar's daughter)

And of course loads of giggles :)

Johanna and Dad went fishing and caught two catfish...

Our puzzle table has been put to good use.

Everyone is so focused!

But took some time out for lovely smiles.

The finished product

Wordsearch buddies!

Johanna's new friend, Trinity, Mrs. Ellie's daughter

More puzzles!

Can you tell which one's Johanna and which is Bella? :D

Johanna started piano lessons

Can you tell she's excited? 
(and purple was apparently the "in" color that day, even her nails were purple!)

Lessons with sweet Miss Kate

And lots of hugs for Miss Christa!

Vanessa and Johanna had a sister-date at the park!

Dad, Johanna and Grandma Junebug put another puzzle together.

Who says a few drops of rain has to ruin a day on the deck?

Mrs. Paige, our wonderful hair dresser, dropped in to remedy our wild hair crises! 

The shaggy wee lass is sheared!

The hair dressers (Grandma Sugar was a hair dresser and instructor years ago!) reminiscing through Grandma Sugar's newspaper clippings collage

Mrs. Kristen, Junebug's granddaughter, also came by that afternoon for a lovely visit.

She brought these adorable little rice owls for the Grandmas and us to enjoy!

They're wonderful, thank you!

Grandmas Sugar and Junebug enjoying their warm rice owls.

It has been a rather rainy summer

Grandma Lorry has been working hard with her occupational therapist!

Happy smiles! We love you, Mrs. Jana!

Our wonderful caregiver-friend, Ms. Dena has allowed us to go out as a family

We had a wonderful evening out to dinner and a movie as a family!

Until next time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a very busy summer at your house. Little Johanna is a cutie pie. She must be a lot of fun for the grandma's.

