Welcome! We are a Christian family who cares for elderly individuals in our home. There are so many quotes, stories, and photos that we wanted to share with our precious "Golden Girls'" families, which they could view quicker and could be updated easier on this blog than we would ever have time (and memory!) to share with them personally. We also thought others might enjoy reading and viewing along with the families on this great adventure of their loved ones' golden sunset years. So sit back, relax, and enjoy your visit with us and "The Grandmas"!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Our Newest Therapist

Bella Bean!

A week or so ago (sorry, when a few days, a week, or two have passed, they are not only gone as history, but from my poor memory as well...oh dear), Dad had us all gather in the family room.  He told us he had a surprise and for us to sit on the couch with our eyes closed.  We heard him open and close the garage door, then after a suspenceful moment or two, he came back in and told us to open.  From my perspective (I apologize it has to be me telling this story...my "perspective" is usually rather wild) the first thing I saw was a giant centipede!  Okay, so that was a rather quick first thought (as all my thoughts are...fleeting would be more acurate); my second (yes, I had a second thought :) : a giant guinea pig???  Ha!  So you can see how surprised and incredulous we were of Dad bringing home a lap dog...out-door dogs are fine, but indoor??  Nope, it's always been out-of-the-question; that is until sometime last week, or two weeks ago... :)  He went to a home to pick up a craigslist item (yet another one of his surprises...a treadmill!) and they happened to have this little creature who was too...well, I don't want to be mean or hurt poor Bella's feelings, but the word would have to be "lazy".  They were a young couple with two retrievers, they liked boating and fishing, and this poor little shih tzu just could not keep up.  So, they *gave* this $700, 1 year old black puppy to him!  Dad had told them about our home, how we care for the elderly, and it was just a perfect fit!  PTL!

"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." ~ Ben Williams

"How I see it, Bella, if I have to sit here quietly reading my books, you'll have to suffer along with me."

Her first bath with us

Getting dried off

Small dogs are such good therapy for the elderly...something to stroke, to lay your head upon, a major stress-reliever and anxiety suppressant

If you walk around our home now, you'll find a clump of black fur sprawled out on the floor...if you're looking for your fur coat, look elsewhere...it's our Bella Bean.

"I dream about her when I'm napping, and then wake up to her licking my face!"

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for [wild creatures] to dwell together in unity! ~Psalm 133:1


Cat Russell said...

Oh what a wonderful blog you have put together.. Love reading and learning about your lovely family..
Congrats on getting Bella Bean, she's just what every family needs..
Hope you have an awesome day..

K. Rose said...

Mrs. Cat ~ Thank *you* for making your beautiful blog designs available to folks like myself! I *so* love your backgrounds (they fit the theme for our business perfectly) and enjoyed browsing through your apron site as well...I'm an apron lover as well...made one a few years ago, but it's safe away in my hope chest. =)
Actually I'll be stopping by soon as I need to give Sunrise, Sunset a "face lift"!

Thanks so much!