Welcome! We are a Christian family who cares for elderly individuals in our home. There are so many quotes, stories, and photos that we wanted to share with our precious "Golden Girls'" families, which they could view quicker and could be updated easier on this blog than we would ever have time (and memory!) to share with them personally. We also thought others might enjoy reading and viewing along with the families on this great adventure of their loved ones' golden sunset years. So sit back, relax, and enjoy your visit with us and "The Grandmas"!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Our Beautiful Birthday Girls

This February our girls celebrated their 16th and 19th birthday. Over the course of two days we played......

First we shopped and  shopped.  Next we dined for lunch at the Lavender Tea Room (just us girls).

                                                                               .....then lots more shopping!!!  :0)

           On the next day, thanks to Paige, the girls were given gorgeous updo's. 

The art of painting toenails..................then the grand finale was dinner with Daddy!!!

Our once little ballerinas that pitter-pattered through the house are now graceful, diligent, faithful, servant hearted young ladies filling our home with love and harmony not to mention fun and laughter!
We couldn't be more proud of you!!!  Happy Birthday Kaitlin Rose and Vanessa Elaine!!!
Mom and Dad

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Roses are Red...

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Vic & Linda, looking fabulous as always

Add in little Miss Expressive, and she brings out the "personality" in Linda

A very happy Valentine's day for Junebug

Preparing to commit a very delectable crime...

...Mission in progress!

There's something about Aunt Linda's homemade brownies...

...with a touch of powdered sugar and sprinkles...
...to make for a lovely evening.

Allow me to explain the image above and below...for Dad's sake. :) He is sitting on an airflow mattress, which is currently turned off, which means that pressure will deflate it...as seen below...
...I must admit, it was quite hilarious.  June had a Kodak expression on her shocked face when we pointed it out to her... remember, Dad, we were laughing *with* you, not *at* you... you were laughing, right?? :)

Dad's favourites

"Happy Valentine's, Dad!"

The end of a very sweet day

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Good afternoon from the Snowy South!  Who would have guessed that February 2010 would find us with a new record high of 12.5 inches of snowfall within a 24-hour period?  All Thursday it came down in beautiful white flurries, covering the ground and treetops with layers and layers of thick, wet, packing snow.  We awoke to a breathtaking panorama of endless still, silent, white beauty.

Vanessa and Johanna made an adorable snowlady yesterday, however when we looked out this morning to check on her, we realized she had become tired of all the heavy powder falling on her all night and turned herself into Miss Humpty-Dumpty. 

That said, we  fashioned together another plump madam, Frostina the snowlady, respectively, who had the deep pleasure of getting her portrait with our own Lady Junebug.

Look out!  Grandma has a strong right arm!

We are praying for those of you caught in the more furious current of this snowfall!  Blessings to all on this bitter cold, wintery February day.